Application 19/03611 - The Crown, 108 Wooton Way
Comments on Application 19/03611 - The Crown, 108 Wooton Way Construction of 12 flats, parking, landscaping, new vehicular and pedestrian access off Maple Close and creation of parking off Altwood Close.
This scheme seeks to build a block of 12 flats on an area of parking for The Crown which is deemed surplus to requirements. If The Crown is to continue trading as proposed then the retention of only 4 parking spaces is clearly inadequate. Pub staff will require spaces, and they and their customers may well have to park on adjacent streets.
The proposed block of flats is 3.5 storeys high, with accommodation on four floors. The height, bulk and mass of the proposed building is out of character with the streetscape of the neighbourhood and overshadows adjoining residential buildings and The Crown itself. 18 car parking spaces are provided for the 12 flats and an average of 1.5 spaces per dwelling is inadequate. The No 5 bus route is not a comprehensive public transport facility - as is evidenced from the timetable included with the application.
We object to this proposal which represents overdevelopment of the site. The residential block should be reduced to 8 dwellings on 2.5 floors with the retention of 16 residents parking spaces - two per flat. A minimum of an additional two spaces should be provided for public house use.