Application 20/00054 - 81 Furze Platt Road

Comments on Application 20/00054 - 81 Furze Platt Road

Construction of 2 x 4-bed semi-detached dwellings following demolition of existing house and garage.


This scheme is overambitious in attempting to construct two x four bedroom dwellings on a site currently occupied by a single bungalow. The proposed number of occupants has resulted in the requirement to provide three parking spaces per dwelling. The layout of the parking is substandard and cramped - involving tandem spaces for both houses. Such arrangements require vehicle movement within the parking area. In addition, the location is near to a road junction on the A 308. All vehicles will need to reverse to access or exit the properties on a busy main road. This is not conducive to road safety. We believe that the number of bedrooms should be reduced so that only two spaces are required for each dwelling. Furthermore, the building line should be set back to facilitate more space for vehicle movement. Therefore, we object to this application which represents overdevelopment of the site.