Application 19/03188 - Riseley House, 43 Riseley Road

Comments on Application 19/03188 - Riseley House, 43 Riseley Road

Construction of building to provide 8 flats, detached garage with bin store and associated works following demolition of existing.


Riseley Road is a cul de sac characterised by blocks of three storey flats on the south side, with the application site at the western end. A residential development of a block of 8 flats is in keeping with the existing streetscape, although we are disappointed at the unimaginative architectural style of the proposed block. Although the Design and Access statement claims that all the dwellings are to Nationally Described Space Standards, we believe that several flats are undersized. This is difficult to ascertain for two reasons. Firstly, the floor plans of individual flats show areas in square feet rather than metres. Secondly, The plans of the bedrooms does not make it clear whether the two bed flats are for 2 or 3 persons.


The Nationally Described Space Standards for flats on one floor are:


1 bed / 2 pers : 50 sq mts

2 bed / 3 pers : 61 sq mts

2 bed / 4 pers : 70 sq mts


The parking provision on site appears adequate, but the arrangements for garden amenity space are unclear.