Application 19/02711 - 25 and Land at 25 Thames Crescent

Comments on Application 19/02711 - 25 and Land at 25 Thames Crescent

 New detached dwelling and detached garage, parking and vehicular access for new dwelling and existing dwelling.


We commented on the previous application 19/00658 for this site on 2nd May 2019. We continue to object to the proposal, which appears to be very similar, with the exception of raising the new dwelling as a flood precaution.


The existing dwelling occupies a large corner plot, which is characteristic of the prevailing spacious street scene. Infilling this corner plot with a new dwelling and a substantial double garage block will be detrimental to the character of Thames Crescent, and result in an un-neighbourly visual intrusion for other residents. The fact that the new dwelling has been raised for flood reasons, makes it even more intrusive. Thames Crescent is characterised by integral/attached garages and the detached double garage block to service the two dwellings will be detrimental to the outlook of No 27 and the houses opposite.


Parking in front of the existing and new dwellings requires new dropped kerbs, and the vehicular access to the new dwelling is located on the apex of the bend, with an angular parking space which is unsatisfactory. The garage block also requires a new dropped kerb.


In view of the above we object to this application which is detrmental to the distinctive, spacious character and setting of Thames Crescent.