Application 19/02806 - 13 Battlemead Close

Comments on Application 19/02806 - 13 Battlemead Close

Two storey side extension, new front canopy, extend existing dropped kerb, alterations to roof and fenestration - following demolition of garage and utility.

This property is situated in the flood plain - Zones 2 / 3 and is therefore subject to planning issues relating to Flood Planning Policy F1. There are no references to flood related issues in the application - especially a Flood Risk Assessment. Although it is not clear from the documents it is assumed that the net increase in footprint is less than the 30 square metres permitted under Policy F1. However, the outside works include a substantial area of patio in the rear garden and to the front a new in/out driveway in tarmac. We believe that a permeable surface is required to reduce the level of run off. The application does not appear to consider that the location in the flood plain is a potential issue.