Application 19/02393 - 18 Highfield Road

Comments on Application 19/02393 - 18 Highfield Road

Erection of one pair of semi detached dwellings following demolition of existing.


We object to the  parking arrangements proposed in this application, which are  unsatisfactory. Two spaces per dwelling are required to meet current parking planning policy. The drawings show parallel parking with one space in front of each dwelling and one on road parking space. The on road spaces cannot be restricted to owners of the new dwellings, and when in use restrict access to the parallel off road parking spaces. As a new build, the building line of the proposed houses should be set back to permit parking at right angles with two off road spaces for each dwelling. If a total of four spaces cannot be accommodated across the width of the site, then consideration should be given to restricting this site to one detached dwelling.