Application 19/02018 - St Mary's Church and Old Vic
Comments on Application 19/02018 - St Mary's Church and Old Vic Non material amendments to Planning Permission 05/01476 for alterations to doors and windows at the Old Vic on the ground and first floors, external spiral staircase on the west elevation, and part removal of the single storey element on the north elevation.
We are unclear as to the fourteen-year time lapse regarding the Planning Permission 05/01476 to which these "non material amendments" relate. The distinctive Old Vic signage is to be removed, with significant alterations made to the fenestration. There are significant changes to the main western elevations in a large building within the High Street Conservation Area. We are interested in the views of the Conservation Team. We believe that this work requires a new and current application rather than an amendment to a permission granted in 2005.