Application 19/02162 - Land to rear of 41 Summerleaze Road

Comments on Application 19/02162 - Land to rear of 41 Summerleaze Road

New detached dwelling following demolition of existing garage and outbuilding.


Although we believe that this proposal represents genuine residential infilling, the potential impact on parking arrangements are unclear. The proposed new dwelling has two parking spaces indicated on the plans. Indeed the Application Form indicates a net gain of two additional parking spaces. However, what has happened to the previous parking facilities enjoyed by No 41, and will this development result in more on street parking? The plans show two further garages to the rear of Nos 43 and 45 - but these are only for one vehicle. In total there is a parking requirement for 8 vehicles - 2 spaces each for 41, 43, 45 and the new dwelling. We are concerned that this development will result in an increase of on-street parking, even though the new dwelling itself has two spaces.