Application 19/02104 - 1 Lonsdale Close
Comments on Application 19/02104 - 1 Lonsdale Close First floor side extension, and subdivision of building into two separate dwellings with new boundary treatment, hardstanding and two bike stores.
We have commented on 2nd May 2019 on an earlier application - 19/00832 - which was refused. Permission has been previously granted for the addition of a first floor extension to the existing property, which would remain a single dwelling. However, this is a second application to create two dwellings. This raises issues with regard to the provision of adequate and satisfactory parking arrangements for two dwellings, and the provision of adequate amenity space for each dwelling.
The Design and Access Statement omits any reference to the refused application earlier this year for two dwellings on this site. The reasons for refusal of the earlier application still apply, although flood risk issues have been addressed. The site is a cramped and restricted corner site, and as observed in our previous letter we object to this proposal which represents overdevelopment. The amenity space for Plot 1 (the existing dwelling) is severely restricted, and the overall parking provision has been reduced from four spaces (including two spaces in tandem) to three which is inadequate for two separate dwellings of this size. |