Application 19/00972 - Battlemead Common, Sutton Road
Comments on Application 19/00972 - Battlemead Common, Sutton Road Change of use from agricultural land to D2 Assembly and Leisure - to be used as a public open space with a new car park and cycle stands.
We believe that this application should be withdrawn, reworked and resubmitted to more accurately reflect the significantly restricted access now proposed following the actions of ecology groups such as Wild Cookham and Wild Maidenhead. Whilst it is agreed that wildlife etc should be protected, the proposed fencing- much of which has already been installed severely restricts public access, and the location of footpaths.
The Design and Access Statement refers to "a new area for local groups for casual recreation via formal and informal pathways." It is for this purpose that RBWM spent residents’ money on acquiring the land. They did not purchase the land to protect wildlife alone. The restriction of footpaths, especially the Millennium Walk across the south of the site is contrary to the aims of providing public open space.
The fencing and footpath restrictions are premature - and implemented before the Friends of Battlemead Common had held their first formal meeting. This application has been overtaken by events. We believe that some compromise is necessary to accommodate both ecological concerns and the provision of public open space.
Finally, we agree with other consultees that the D2 Assembly and Leisure designation is not correctly applicable to this site. |