Application 19/01383 - 2 and Land at 2 Ray Mill Road East

Comments on Application 19/01383 - 2 and Land at 2 Ray Mill Road East

Proposed new dwelling, pitched roof to existing front porch, alteration to fenestration.


We commented on a similar proposal 18/01633 in June 2018. This was subsequently refused as a cramped overdevelopment of a small, narrow site.


We continue to object to this proposal that does not appear to have changed significantly or positively. The proposed new dwelling is along the western flank of the existing house, squeezed onto the small side garden between the house and the wall fronting Cookham Road. No 2 loses garden amenity space and parking which is significantly reduced. The proposed new property has very limited amenity space, and one parking space that involves reversing onto Cookham Road in close proximity to the mini roundabout at the junction of Ray mill Road West. This remains a cramped overdevelopment of a site unsuitable for an additional dwelling.