Application 19/01681 - Land to rear of 20 Ray Street ( The Ark )
Comments on Application 19/01681 - Land to rear of 20 Ray Street ( The Ark ) Construction of two dwellings
We believe that this application has been incorrectly validated as an application, when it is clearly intended as an appeal.
We have commented on the two previous applications which have been refused permission - in November 2018 on 18/03264 and February 2019 on 19/00276. As before we object to the proposal because we consider the construction of two dwellings will aggravate existing congestion on Ray Park Lane and generate more parking issues for neighbouring properties. One dwelling with two off road parking spaces might be acceptable, but the proposed two dwellings represents overdevelopment.
If this proposal goes to appeal as intended, please ensure that all three of our written submissions are included in the documentation.