Application 19/01284 - 110 to 114 High Street
Comments on Application 19/01284 - 110 to 114 High Street Change of use from B1 office to C3 residential to create 12 dwelling houses
We would point out that the use of the term "dwelling houses" is a misnomer for a proposal for 12 flats - the majority of which are below minimum space standards.
Previous permission has been granted under Application 17/02919 for 10 flats on the first and second floors. We object to this application, which is intended to squeeze another 2 flats out of the development. Consequently, Flats 1,3,5,6,8,9,11 and 12 are all of living areas which fall below the Nationally Described Space Standard for 1 and 2 bed flats.
We welcome the retention of the ground floor for commercial use. However, this old Post Office building is a landmark in the western end of the High Street - and within a Conservation Area. No reference is made to the Conservation Area and there is no Conservation Officer's report. The application does not include any elevation drawings to demonstrate how the fenestration of the residential units does not adversely impact the building. |