Application 19/01140 - Land to the South of Ray Mill Road East - Deerswood Meadow

Comments on Application 19/01140 - Land to the South of Ray Mill Road East -

Deerswood Meadow

Construction of 17 x 1 bed, 18 x 2 bed, 17 x 3 bed and 28 x 4 bed dwellings, bin stores, landscaping and parking. Construction of new access.


 This site has long been identified for residential development. There are many aspects of this application that we welcome. There is a genuine mix of dwelling types and sizes. There is provision of 47% " affotdable " homes across all house sizes with 38 out of the total of 80 being designated as such. The parking provision of 161 spaces is adequate. We are pleased that the eastern section has been retained and enhanced as open space. This area is ecologically important and prone to flooding, and pedestrian access will be improved.

 Our only concern is the width of the access road running south from Ray Mill Road East. Although the access is to be widened, and Highways are happy with the visibility splays, we would like reassurance that the proposed road is wide enough for two vehicles to pass, and to accommodate bin lorries, emergency vehicles etc. The existing property to the west of the entrance on Ray Mill Road East is in the ownership of the Royal Borough, and a much more substantial entrance and access road to this large development of 80 dwellings could be provided. For a scheme of this size the proposed access appears restricted.