Application 19/00658 - 25 Thames Crescent
Comments on Application 19/00658 - 25 Thames Crescent Detached dwelling and detached garage, parking and new vehicle access for new dwelling and 25 Thames Crescent. This application is for land adjoining 25 Thames Crescent, which is located on a large corner plot, characteristic of the this spaciously laid out street scene. The open aspect is a distinctive characteristic of the road, which has open plan front gardens. This proposal seeks to infill the corner plot with a new dwelling alongside the existing No 25, and a substantial garage block in the northwest corner of the plot with three new dropped kerbs for access. Because this is a corner site, the dropped kerb for access to the proposed new dwelling is situated on the bend, which is not conducive to road safety. We are surprised that this was not picked up by the Highways Report on the application, which is primarily concerned with undersized car parking space. The existing style of properties within Thames Crescent include integral garages. The proposed detached block of two garages is out of character with the location. Furthermore, they will be constructed in front of the prevailing building line of Nos.27 to 31, and will be detrimental to the outlook of No.27. This development lies within Flood Zone 3 and although a Sequential Test is provided, it is noted that the Environment Agency require a Flood Risk Assessment. In view of the above we object to this application which is detrimental to the distinctive, spacious character of Thames Crescent. |