Application 19/00832 - 1 Lonsdale Close
Comments on Application 19/00832 - 1 Lonsdale Close First floor side extension and subdivision of the property into separate dwellings with new boundary treatment, hardstanding and 2 bike stores. It is understood that permission has been granted for a first floor extension under a previous application. However, this subsequent application to create two separate dwellings represents overdevelopment of the site. The host property is situated on a small corner plot, which is inadequate to provide space for an additional dwelling. The resultant amenity space is too limited for the two properties and the proposed parking arrangements for four vehicles ( two for each property) is unsatisfactory. In particular, the two parking spaces for the new dwelling are diagonally located on the corner of Lonsdale Close / Blackamoor Lane and are arranged in tandem. We object because we believe that this proposal represents overdevelopment of a site which does not support two separate dwellings. |