Application 19/00052 - 27 Redcliff Close

Comments on Application 19/00052 - 27 Redcliff Close

Part single storey, part two storey front /rear/side extensions with 3 parking spaces following demolition of outbuildings.


This application is the current manifestation of a planning saga that has been ongoing since 2012. We have commented on 12/02425 which was withdrawn and on 17/00830 which was refused. In addition, there was a similar application 16/02536 which was also refused. The 2016 and 2017 refusals went to appeal - being dismissed on both occasions.


The turning circle at the end of Redcliff Close is heavily congested with both on street and front garden parking. Although No 27 has a large plot to the rear, it has very limited space to the front of the house. The proposed extensions are over large for this semidetached property. Parking is shown for four vehicles - two spaces to the rear accessed by a driveway to the side of the new extensions, and two spaces in tandem on the driveway itself. This arrangement is impractical and substandard, especially if the vehicles are in different ownership. The proposed extensions are out of proportion to the host dwelling and are un neighbourly for residents in nearby properties. Consequently, we continue to object to this proposal, which does not appear to be a significant improvement on previous applications.