Application 18/03163 - 29 to 31 Harrow Lane
Comments on Application 18/03163 - 29 to 31 Harrow Lane 2 storey front and rear extension following conversion to form 7 dwelling units. This proposed development will generate 6 x 1 bed and 1 x 2 bed flats out of the original pair of semi detached houses. We are pleased to note that the size of all the flats are shown to achieve the minimum Nationally Described Space Standards. However, whilst the proposals will generate valuable additional dwellings, we are concerned that the parking arrangements to be provided are inadequate and substandard. Eight parking spaces are required by current parking policy for the number of flats/bedrooms provided by this scheme. Only seven are shown on the plans. Furthermore, the comments from Highways indicate that some are substandard in size. With parking spaces across the entire frontage of the plot there is inadequate room for more and/or wider parking spaces. A dropped kerb will also be required for the full width of the plot which will exceed the permitted maximum. Therefore we object to this application on the grounds of inadequate and substandard parking provision. |