Application 18/02333 - Liberty House, Moorbridge Road
Comments on Application 18/02333 - Liberty House, Moorbridge Road Change of use from offices to residential (6 x 2-bed flats, 20 x 1-bed flats and 4 studios). We have no problem with the planning principle of converting superfluous office space to residential use. However, we object to the practice of permitting such conversions to include undersized, substandard living spaces. This application includes 20 one bedded/two person flats - the majority of which are below the Nationally Described Space Standard of 50 square metres. The worst cases are Flats 1 and 17 which are only 42 square metres in area. Two bedded/four person flats require a minimum of 70 square metres and Flat 22 is only 66 square metres. The RBWM should not permit such applications to add substandard dwellings to the housing stock. |