Application 18/02375 - Blandy House, King Street

Comments on Application 18/02375 - Blandy House, King Street

1st,2nd and 3rd floor offices - change of use to 6 x 1-bed flats.

Currently each floor has a mix of an existing residential flat and office space. The proposal is to convert the existing office space on each floor to 2 x 1-bed flats - making 6 new flats - with a total of nine units above the retail. Although only a small scheme we object because the size of five of the apartments is below the National Described Space Standard of 50 square metres for a one bedroom/two person flat. Of the six new flats only Flat 1 on the first floor achieves that standard at 50.1 square metres. The most undersized is Flat 6 which is only 34.3 square metres.

RBWM should not permit applications which are substandard and detract from the quality of the housing stock.