Application 18/02359 - Land at rear of 116 Clare Road

Comments on Application 18/02359 - Land at rear of 116, Clare Road

Proposed erection of a two storey detached building.

We object to this proposal to introduce a new two-storey dwelling at the bottom of the garden of 116 Clare Road. The host property retains a reduced area of amenity space. Two parking spaces are indicated on the plans for the new dwelling. The plans do not show the parking provision for the host dwelling, which will be losing its current garage. Substandard access is via a single width shared driveway between Nos. 116 and 118. The new dwelling is situated right on the rear boundary with no amenity space to the rear or sides. Although below and well away from houses in Redcliff Close, there will be a resultant loss of privacy for those neighbours, as well as the Clare Road properties either side.

This is an unsuitable and un neighbourly site for the construction of a new dwelling.