Application 18/02246 - 107 Blackamoor Lane
Comments on Application 18/02246 - 107 Blackamoor Lane Proposed extension and conversion of existing dwelling to provide 5 flats with associated parking, amenity space and new vehicular access. In July 2017 we commented on the previous application for this scheme - 17/01993. This application was refused. The current application is intended to address the height of the development and flood policy issues which were reasons for refusal. The overall height had been marginally lowered, but we believe that visually there would be no discernible difference in the height and bulk of the scheme. Flood risk issues have been appraised in this application, bur the increase in footprint exceeds the 30 square metres permitted for extensions under Policy F1. With the parking provision for 7 cars, the vehicular access has been moved southwards towards the junction of Blackamoor Lane and Ray Mill Road West. We do not believe that the proximity of the new vehicular access to the junction exceeds the 15 metres required by Local Authority Highway Standards. Any on street parking near this junction will increase the dangers of this proposed vehicular access. Such parking should be restricted by the introduction of double yellow lines. We continue to object to what is believed to be overdevelopment of the site, which is in an unsuitable location for a flatted scheme. |