Application 18/02345 - 6 to 8 Florence Avenue
Comments on Application 18/02345 - 6 to 8 Florence Avenue Raising main ridge with two front dormers and one side dormer to No. 6. Two storey side extension linking No. 6 to No. 8. 1st floor side extension to west flank of No. 8. Conversion of resulting building to create 1 x 1-bed flat and 3 studio flats. Construction of a new detached 4 bed dwelling and provision of off street parking using existing access This application is in two parts. Firstly, the extension and modification of Nos. 6 and 8 to be converted into a small block of flats. This appears to be a significant amount of work to convert two existing houses into four flats. However, our only concern is that the flats should have at least four off-street parking spaces and garden amenity space. The second part of the application is less clear. The description above refers to a new 4-bed dwelling, whilst the plans indicate a pair of semi detached 2-bed dwellings. This new structure is to the rear of the back gardens which have frontage on to Florence Avenue. The visuals show quite clearly how cramped the development would be. They also indicate how close to the road the new structure will be and the unrealistic proposal to park sideways on in front of the dwelling. We object because we do not believe that this site is large enough for back garden infilling. Clarification is needed whether it is one or two dwellings that are proposed. It would appear that a maximum of two car spaces can be delivered. Furthermore, the application form shows the existing total number of parking spaces at 8, and being increased to 9. |