Application 18/01779 - L'leno, 14 Market Street

Comments on Application 18/01779 - L'leno, 14 Market Street

Extension to 2nd Floor and construction of a 3-storey extension to create 3 x 2-bed and 3 x 1-bed flats.

We commented on the previous similar application (18/00109) which was withdrawn. We remain concerned at the conflict in architectural style between the existing three storeys and the additional three storeys which have been placed above. Although many surrounding properties are of mixed architectural merit for a Conservation Area, this is a highly prominent site especially when viewed looking south along Market Street. Consequently, this is an opportunity to introduce a building that genuinely improves and enhances the Conservation Area. Regretfully, this proposal does not, and we agree with the negative comments made by the Conservation Officer. The contrast between the existing three storeys and the upwards three storey extension is incompatible with the Conservation Area.

If this site is to be developed into residential units, the a purpose built, architecturally cohesive building is preferable - which with six storeys should include a lift.