Application 18/02041 - Site of Clivemont House

Comments on Application 18/02041 - Site of Clivemont House

Erection of 93 apartments comprising 8 x 3-bed, 57 by 2-bed and 28 x 1-bed with lower ground floor parking and alteration to existing site entrance.

We have commented on application 16/01833 for this site which was subsequently withdrawn. A later application 17/02538 was refused. Although the number of units in this latest application is reduced to 93 it still represents overdevelopment of a redundant brownfield site. With 93 dwellings there is inadequate amenity space provision. It is inconceivable that a development of this size should not include any affordable units. If smaller developments of 12 or 14 units do not provide an affordable element, then it is incumbent on large schemes such as this to contribute to affordable housing stock.

Consequently, we object to this application on the grounds of overdevelopment and failure to provide an element of affordable housing. The total number of units should be reduced by around 20% - to say 75, and of these 25 should be affordable. The current level of underground parking should be retained for the reduced number of flats. More landscaping and amenity space should be introduced.