Application 18/01877 - 3 Derwent Drive

Comments on Application 18/01877 - 3 Derwent Drive

Part single/part two storey rear extension, garage conversion and alteration to fenestration.

This is an example of the ever increasing trend to concrete over front gardens to provide hard standing for parking. Derwent Drive is characterised by houses set back from the road, with significant areas of open plan grassed front gardens. The conversion of the garage to residential has resulted in the front garden being taken up by parking spaces for three vehicles. This is a suburban, residential street where the use of front gardens for parking is detrimental to the streetscape. This is not an urban street of terraced houses, where hard standing front gardens are unavoidable if undesirable. In the long term the character of Derwent Drive will be adversely impacted if front gardens are converted to off street parking.