Application 18/01608 - York Road Redevelopment Area
Comments on Application 18/01608 - York Road Redevelopment Area
Mixed use redevelopment of site comprising 5 buildings of 4 - 8 storeys to provide 229 dwellings, 1930 sq mtrs of commercial and community/cultural space. Provision of a new civic square and public realm enhancements with car parking, access, landscaping and other associated works.
We welcome this first stage of the RBWM joint venture partnership to regenerate the town centre. There have been certain improvements as a result of the pre-application planning process and public consultation. However, there are still issues which give cause for concern:
We believe that there is inadequate attention paid to the cultural and heritage demands and opportunities of the location. The focus is strongly on housing with 68 affordable homes representing 30% of the total. In addition to the Heritage Centre, there are other cultural opportunities such as an art gallery.
Although the level of off road parking provision has been improved for residential dwellings, the parking ratio is still inadequate for both resident and office/ business/shopping vehicles.
We are pleased that the maximum building height has been established as eight storeys, and that there is a variety of building heights throughout the scheme. This only serves to highlight and reinforce the excesses of The Landing scheme.
We welcome the inclusion of lower rise mews style town houses in the Grove Road area. These offer a variety/mix of accommodation type with amenity space
The wharf/warehouse architectural elevations facing York Stream are an attractive feature. Elsewhere, the design is poor, lacking in imagination and variety of style. There is too much use of brick throughout the scheme.
The town square is an important feature, and the unnecessary pavilion has been removed. It is important that there is a clearly defined policy to ensure full and proper use of the town square.
There is a significant reduction in on road parking, and it is important that plentiful disabled spaces are provided - this is not evident on the plans.
As this is the cultural/civic quarter of the town there will be a need for a defined set down/ pick up area. This is also not featured on the plans.
In summary, our main concern is that this generation defining opportunity falls short of what would be expected - especially in architectural style and use of materials.