Application 18/01777 - Desborough Bowling Club, York Road
Comments on Application 18/01777 - Desborough Bowling Club, York Road Outline application....for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of three buildings ( 1 x 8 storeys and 2 x 7 storeys ) to provide 154 apartments with access, servicing and landscaping,176 parking spaces and 154 cycle space.s We have commented previously on two applications for this site. Whilst we were concerned at the height, bulk, scale and mass of the development, we were also concerned that the proposals were being put forward without regard to the adjacent York Road Opportunity Area being developed jointly by Countryside and RBWM. On the positive side we endorsed the level of parking provision which is retained in this latest application. It is now evident that these proposals are architecturally ahead of the designs being put forward for the YROA, with comparable building heights. However, we believe that there is a significant retrograde step in these latest proposals. The decision to link the three blocks and infill the spaces between is detrimental to the scheme. This is clearly illustrated in the Design and Access Statement where comparative York Road elevations are shown. On the original design the three towers are stand alone - and sunlight can pass between them, and sky be seen looking south. With the latest proposal infilling there will be more shadow on York Road, and from road level the southerly aspect will be restricted by three/four storey apartments. We believe the original scheme to be preferable, and hope that its merits may now be appreciated.