Application 18/01633 - No 2 and Land at 2 Ray Mill Road West
Comments on Application 18/01633 - No 2 and Land at 2 Ray Mill Road West New end terrace including single storey rear extension and new front porch to 2 Ray Mill Road West. An extension to this property was permitted in 2005, but this application appears to be for a new dwelling. A new dwelling requires amenity space, parking and access which is not available on this site. The front of No2 is very restricted for space and located on the mini roundabout at the junction of Ray Mill West and Cookham Road.. The garden return of No 2 fronts Cookham Road, and parking and vehicular access is proposed from a new dropped kerb on Cookham Road, to the south of the mini roundabout. Currently, parking and rear garden access is provided from Wayside Mews. No 2 will lose much of the garden amenity space currently available, and the new dwelling will have inadequate amenity space. Consequently, we object to the proposal for an additional dwelling on this unsuitable space.