Application 18/01384 - 88 Larchfield Road
Comments on Application 18/01384 - 88 Larchfield Road 2 storey side and rear extension, single storey rear extension, alteration to fenestration to form 2 x 2-bed flats with new vehicular access, parking and associated works. As an end of terrace property this dwelling could be suitable for extension - but as a single dwelling. The attempt to enlarge and subdivide into 2 separate 2 bed dwellings is ambitious - because of the geography of the site. Currently, there are double yellow lines on the corner of Larchfield Road and Bargeman Road. The existing property has no parking spaces on site and shares on-street parking with neighbouring residents. There is clearly a benefit to be gained by providing two off street spaces to the rear of the property - accessed from Bargeman Road. The angled single parking space proposed for the front of the house is unrealistic being situated on and accessed from the road junction. The proposed arrangement of the sub-divided garden amenity space is unsatisfactory with the garden of Flat 2 being isolated from the relevant dwelling. We would suggest that it was more satisfactory to sub-divide the garden with the new boundary running parallel to Bargeman Road. The garden amenity space would be small and irregular - but both flats should directly access their garden. |