Application 18/01498 - 17 Castle Hill
Comments on Application 18/01498 - 17 Castle Hill Construction of 10 apartments with associated parking and landscaping following demolition of existing dwelling. We commented on the previous application 16/03011 which was refused, and subsequently dismissed on appeal. This current application is an improvement on the earlier application, but there are still issues which cause us concern. The architectural styling does not reflect and enhance the Conservation Area in which the site is located. In spite of the building being only 2.5 storeys high, the height and bulk and mass of the main block are excessive. The rear elevation is particularly unattractive, with a vast area of brickwork with little architectural relief. The apartments on the third floor are situated in the eaves, with vertical windows restricted to the front of the building and unattractive rooflights elsewhere. The Design and Access Statement offers photographic evidence of similar examples of flatted developments in Maidenhead. Regretfully, this design is not up to the standard required in a Conservation Area. |