Application 18/01327 - Land to rear of 5 & 13 and at 7 Havelock Rd
Comments on Application 18/01327 - Land to rear of 5 & 13 and at 7 Havelock Rd Construction of a detached dwelling, with new vehicular access following demolition of garage to the side of 7 Havelock Rd. We believe this to be an overambitious scheme to squeeze in a dwelling house to the rear of three properties. The access is an inefficient use of space, with a large area being taken up to construct the access road. The proposed structure is single storey, presumably to maintain privacy for surrounding back gardens. However, the proposed new dwelling has very limited garden amenity space, primarily to the south east of the plot. Unfortunately, we object to this application as it represents overdevelopment of an unsuitable site. |