Application 18/01269 - Clean Linen Services, 54 Furze Platt Road

Comments on Application 18/01269 - Clean Linen Services, 54 Furze Platt Road

Redevelopment of six blocks to provide 46 x 2 bed flats and 15 x 1 bed flats, with new vehicular and pedestrian access, associated parking, landscape and amenity space - following demolition of existing industrial buildings.

We have already commented at the pre application consultation stage. Our main objection is as previously stated ie. that we would prefer to see this site developed with a mix of house types - rather than 61 flats. Maidenhead is already proportionately over supplied with flats - primarily because of the large number of proposed and actual flatted developments in the Town Centre. In this location, more than a mile from town we would prefer to see the site developed with family homes. These could still be quite high density - with a mix of town houses, maisonettes and semi detached included. It is ironic that the same developer has delivered such a scheme on the Taylowe site, which is adjacent to this location. We fail to understand the retrograde step of offering this site with only one and two bedded flats.

In addition the affordable housing target requirement of 30% has not been delivered with only 12 units being proposed. There is a conflict in architectural styling, with three blocks sympathetically reflecting the character of Victorian/Edwardian architecture of Furze Platt Road, while another three blocks are modernistic and out of character with the area. Much of the open space on the site is given up to parking, with a consequent lack of landscaping and leisure amenity space. Undercroft parking should have been considered.

This proposal represents the loss of an employment site, and whilst we have no concern with this specific change of use, it is important that the provision of ongoing employment opportunities in properly identified as a requirement within the emerging Borough Local Plan.