Application 18/01027 - 34 Castle Hill
Comments on Application 18/01027 - 34 Castle Hill Detached outbuilding and carport (part retrospective). Although the description of this application is part retrospective - this is not clear from the documents submitted. In fact the Application Form does not refer to "part retrospective" and indeed states that the work has not yet commenced, which is not consistent with a retrospective application. With no narrative or explanatory notes it is unclear what element ( if any ) is actually retrospective. The proposed works are within a Conservation Area and it is not evident that the two new buildings will reflect and enhance the architecture of the locality. The outbuilding appears to use bricks and grey slates which are compatible with the host dwelling, although the pitch of the roof is very steep. The outbuilding is set right against the boundary wall and it should be restricted to ancillary use . The access to the carport is not clear from the plans, and the architectural style is not in keeping with the Conservation Area - especially corrugated clear UPVC sheeting for the roof. We do not understand why there are no comments from the Conservation Officer. |