Application 18/00824 - 23 Havelock Road
Comments on Application 18/00824 - 23 Havelock Road Extension and raising of roof to form additional habitable dwelling, 2-storey front extension and basement, with amendments to vehicular access. (Amendment to 16/00333). A more modest proposal under Application 16/00333 was permitted in Feb 2016. We commented on the subsequent Application 16/02270 which involved demolition of the existing property and was refused. The permitted application was for the substantial extension of a single dwelling, enlarging the ground floor living space and introducing the bedrooms to the first floor, which had previously had one dormer bedroom. This application is not an amendment to this permitted application, but is significantly different in mature. We believe that this latest proposal is for a pair of modern styled glass fronted semi detached dwellings which is out of character with the prevailing street scene. The proposed dwellings appear to be crammed across the width of the site. We also believe that the introduction of a basement bedroom to each dwelling contributes to the overall overdevelopment of the site. Consequently, we object to this application. |