Application 18/00421 - 30 to 32 Forlease Road

Comments on Application 18/00421 - 30 to 32 Forlease Road

Erection of 7 flats following demolition of existing semi-detached houses.

We commented on the previous application 16/03873 that was refused in early 2017. We note that the reason for earlier refusal was the failure of the Sequential Assessment to demonstrate the availability of an alternative site with a lower probability of flooding.  We were concerned that the living space of some of the flats was below the minimum national space standards.

Even if this current application is successful in Sequential Assessment terms, we believe that the living space of two flats is substandard when compared to acceptable space standards. Flat 2 is a 2-bedroom dwelling for 4 persons - with a living space indicated at 55 square metres compared with a national minimum standard of 70 square metres. Flat 5 is a 2-bedroom dwelling for 3 persons and is marginally below the standard - 60 versus 61 square metres. Whilst Flat 5 could be deemed acceptable in size, we believe that Flat 2 is significantly undersized and we object to this substandard proposed dwelling within the development.