Application 18/00072 - Hedsor Cottage, 11 Maidenhead Court Road
Comments on Application 18/00072 - Hedsor Cottage, Maidenhead Court Road Erection of 2 detached dwellings following demolition of existing garage. Annexe with new vehicular access. We have commented in previous years on 14/03999 and 16/01292 - both of which applications were refused. We also commented on 17/03371 which was withdrawn. We continue to object to this latest application, which is very similar to what has been previously proposed. The site appears to have been subdivided to indicate two different levels of flood risk with Zone 2 to the front of the plot where the new dwelling is proposed and Zone 3 to the rear where the host property Hedsor Cottage is situated. Subdivision of sites for flood risk analysis should not be permitted in Flood Planning Policy terms. In addition, the subdivision of the site should not be permitted for separate freehold purposes. This application should be for ancillary accommodation relating to the main house. As previously stated the proposed new dwelling will bring the building line forward. This will be out of character with the streetscape which is largely set back from the road. The new dwelling will also obstruct the open aspect and setting of the host property Hedsor Cottage which is architecturally attractive in its own right. |