Application 17/04002 - Claires Court Senior Boys, Ray Mill Rd East

Comments on Application 17/04002 - Claires Court Senior Boys, Ray Mill Rd East

Outline application for access, layout and scale only for the redevelopment of existing school facilities and the erection of 2 x four bed and 9 x five bed detached dwellings.

We have little problem with this application in itself. Of course, the proposal is dependent on the relocation of Claires Court Senior School for Boys to the combined campus proposed on the Ridgeway site. The residential close of 11 detached dwellings is in character with the neighbourhood, and is more suitable than the school which had evolved over the years, and has outgrown the current site. In particular, nearby residents will welcome the reduction in car traffic and school buses at the start and end of the school day.

The houses generally have adequate parking in a combination of garage and external spaces. Garden amenity space is limited, reflecting the tightness in accommodating 11 detached houses in the area available. However, we welcome the central landscaped space which will create a more open aspect for the development visually.