Application 17/04001 - Claires Court Senior Girls, 1 College Avenue

Comments on Application 17/04001 - Claires Court Senior Girls, 1 College Avenue

Outline permission with layout, scale and means of access only for the redevelopment of the existing school facilities and the erection of 53 dwellings.

This proposed development is dependent upon the associated relocation of Claires Court Senior School for Girls to the combined campus that is proposed for the Ridgeway site.

The overall scheme will generate a total of 53 dwellings in a mix of large detached houses, terraced houses and flats. Some of the properties will be "affordable" and it is to be hoped that these affordable properties are dispersed around the scheme. The two entry points off College Avenue are retained - with improved visability. However, an additional access point is proposed off Grassy Lane to approach the large detached houses in the north-east corner of the site. This is regrettable because of the secluded and tree lined character of Grassy Lane. Consideration should be given to providing access through the site to the north-east corner from College Avenue rather than from Grassy Lane.

According to Highways there is an adequate provision of parking on the site, but additional capacity should be provided if possible. There is already pressure on on-street parking in the locality.

The architectural character of the neighbourhood is varied in size from terraced cottages to large detached houses - primarily in late Victorian / Edwardian style. It is important that the architectural styling of this large new development reflects and enhances the prevailing character of the locality.

Although we certainly do not wish to see an increase in the total number of dwellings, we note that a feature of the scheme is a large open public space, under common ownership and maintenance. If this was removed, consideration should be given to increasing spaciousness throughout the site, and increasing the private amenity space and parking provision of individual properties. This would also help to provide access to the rear of the site - rather than from Grassy Lane.