Application 17/03966 - Meadowbank, 44 Braywick Road
Comments on Application 17/03966 - Meadowbank, 44 Braywick Road 2 storey side extension with new porch. 1st storey side extension, 2 storey rear extension and front porch canopy We understand the ever increasing need for care home accommodation, and this proposal is to increase the capacity of this facility from 22 bedrooms to 40 bedrooms. However, we are concerned at the intense use of the available space on site. Provision of parking is already inadequate with only eight spaces. The increase to twelve spaces does not reflect the potential number of residents and the consequent increase in staff and visitor numbers Furthermore, the intense level of building within the boundaries of the site will result in inadequate garden amenity space for residents to get out in the open air. We object to the scale of the proposed development, and believe it should be scaled back to provide more onsite parking and amenity space. |