Application 17/03933- St Peters Vicarage, 259 Courthouse Road

Comments on Application 17/03933- St Peters Vicarage, 259 Courthouse Road

Demolition of existing building - replacement with parsonage house plus one dwelling.

This is a double width plot and we have no problem with two dwellings being constructed on the site. The sub division of the plot sees the subsidiary house situated on an unnecessarily restricted area. The main Vicarage house is located on the majority area, which is very substantial. We believe that the main house should be set back in line with the frontage of No 257 to the south. This would not be so visually intrusive for the occupants of No 257.  This would result in more parking and turning space in front of the Vicarage house, which will presumably anticipate a high number of visitors. There is plenty of space for the Vicarage to be set further back on the site.