Application 17/03756 - 89 Cookham Road
Comments on Application 17/03756 - 89 Cookham Road Single storey side and two storey rear extension. Rear dormer to facilitate loft conversion. Granny annexe at rear. We have commented previously on 17/01587 which was withdrawn. This application is very similar, except for a slope being introduced on the dormer roof, which was originally flat. Although this reduces the overall height of the second floor dormer window, this proposal is overlarge for the site and detrimental to the residents of neighbouring properties. We object to this application, because as stated in our earlier submission, the total scheme represents an over extension of the host dwelling. The height, bulk and mass of the three storey dormer extension is out of character and the height of the dormer windows will result in a loss of privacy caused by overlooking the gardens of adjacent properties. With the size of the rear extension and the introduction of the granny annexe there is a resultant inadequacy in the rear garden amenity space, especially for the potential number of occupants of the enlarged house and granny annexe. The granny annexe itself is of a very basic design, and its location results in a loss of privacy and enjoyment for neighbouring rear gardens. With the resultant number of potential occupants resulting from a total of four bedrooms plus the annexe, the provision of only three parking spaces is inadequate. |