Application 17/03738 - Land at 26 Moor Lane
Comments on Application 17/03738 - Land at 26 Moor Lane Detached dwelling with parking and vehicular access. Widening of existing access to 26 Moor Lane. We note that a similar application ( 17/02468 ) has already been refused. This latest application has one significant change in that the proposed dwelling has one bedroom and a study, as opposed to two bedrooms previously. Only one full parking space is shown, whereas the previous application had two undersized spaces, which was one of the reasons for refusal. However, other reasons for the earlier refusal still apply. In particular, we believe that the proposed dwelling is too intrusive and does not fit in with the street scene. It is too close to a neighbouring property, and the building line is too far forward of adjoining properties, which includes the host property ( No 26 ) which has previously been extended. We object to the proposal for the reasons above. The site is too small and unsuitable for a detached dwelling. |