Application 17/03371 - Hedsor Cottage, 11 Maidenhead Court Park

Comments on Application 17/03371 - Hedsor Cottage, 11 Maidenhead Court Park

Construction of a detached building following demolition of triple garage and annexe.

We have commented previously on earlier applications 14/03999 and 16/01292 - both of which were refused. We note that this application has subdivided the plot into a rear section which accommodates the main house, and a front section upon which the proposed dwelling would be situated. The front section is reputedly Flood Zone 2, while the rear section is Flood Zone 3. Regardless of this differentiation the new dwelling is still on the flood plain and has an adverse risk impact on the surrounding Zone 3.

We continue to be concerned about the detrimental visual impact on the setting of Hedsor Cottage itself, and the impact on the adjacent street scene by bringing forward the building line to construct a substantial detached dwelling.