Application 17/03268 - Jamat Ahi-E-Hadith, 22 Cookham Road

Comments on Application 17/03268 - Jamat Ahi-E-Hadith, 22 Cookham Road

Erection of new community and education centre, with associated works and car parking - following demolition of existing building.

We commented on the previous application - 16/02242 - in July 2016. We believe that the front elevations of the new building will be a significant improvement on the current structure and will enhance the streetscape.

However, if the demand for this enlarged facility is as reported in the application, we continue to believe that the parking provision is completely inadequate. Although attendance may be spread through the day, the Transport Statement reports that nearly two thirds of attendees come by car - on their own. For Friday prayers this would suggest at least sixty vehicles. The plans appear to indicate a total of nine parking spaces. Whilst the overall majority live within 15 minutes walk, and a quarter of attendees are reported as walking to the centre. However, it is clear that most of vehicular visitors will have to park off site. With the planned closure and development of the Magnet Leisure Centre Car Park, and the projected increase in attendance at the centre which is indicated in the application, the parking situation will deteriorate over time.