Application 17/02594 - Waterside Place, 10 Lower Cookham Road
Comments on Application 17/02594 - Waterside Place, 10 Lower Cookham Road 2 storey rear and side extension and creation of basement parking and storage area. Alteration to elevations and demolition of existing garage and car port. There have been two recent applications for the extension if this property, on which we have not submitted any comment. Both 16/02244 and 17/00201 have been permitted. In both cases the Planning Officer's Assessment has concluded that there is no increase in Flood Risk. However we OBJECT to this latest proposal which introduces a basement car parking and storage area. There is no Flood Risk Assessment included with the current application, and to date there has been no consultation with the Environment Agency. When built the property was designed to be raised above the 1947 historical flood level, with an undercroft to allow the accumulation and passage of flood water. This capacity will now be removed. This proposal will result in the displacement of ground water, and encourage the risk of flooding. The application proposes the use of a pump to remove water in the event of flooding. This is a riverside property and an underground car park should not be permitted under Planning Policy F1. The adjacent property Jasper Lodge is currently undergoing major rebuilding/ extension. This is the result of similar consecutive planning permissions. However, it is noted that the first application 15/02538 received an objection from the Environment Agency. However, the Planning Officers Assessment still showed no increase in Flood Risk and permission was granted. We await the Environment Agency's view of the latest proposal for Waterside Place. |