Application 17/01993 - 107 Blackamoor Lane
Comments on Application 17/01993 - 107 Blackamoor Lane Proposed extension and conversion of the existing dwelling to provide five flats with associated parking and amenity space. This property sits on a corner plot at the junction of Blackamoor Lane and Ray Mill Road West, and in a location (Zones 2 and 3) subject to Flood Planning Policy. Earlier planning applications in 2005 and 2010 were refused. In 2016 there was Permitted Development of the first extensions, followed by a permission for further development under 17/00261, granted early in 2017. We did not comment on this application, which made a key factor that the extensions in footprint were less that the 30 square metres permitted under Flood Policy F1. Following these cumulative extensions, this current proposal is to further extend the building to deliver 3 x 1 bed and 2 x 2 bed flats. The resultant increase in footprint is now quoted as 68.88 square metres, which is well in excess of that permitted. Furthermore with a total bedroom count of seven, the potential number of occupants at potential flood risk is significantly increased. The provision of seven parking spaces is adequate in line with retained RBWM Parking Policy. However, the parking area and turning area will generate significant run off, and it is to be hoped that a porous surface will be provided to alleviate flooding issues. Because the main building structure is to the north of the site, the parking area is located in the middle of the site, with the new access significantly closer to the junction with Ray Mill Road West. This is unavoidable, but contributes to road safety risks as a result of the increase in vehicular movements. Furthermore, the plans require an improved visibility splay than is proposed for vehicles leaving the site, again because of proximity to the road junction. On street parking should be prohibited, to improve access and egress from the site. |