Application 17/01587 - 89 Cookham Road

Comments on Application 17/01587 - 89 Cookham Road

Part single, part 3 storey side and rear extension, single storey front extension, loft conversion and detached granny annexe.

We believe these proposals to represent over extension of this property. They are out of scale in relation to the host building. The three storey rear extension and loft conversion result is overbearing rear elevations that have a height and bulk which is out of character with neighbouring properties. In particular it would appear that there will be considerable loss of light and overshadowing of the property to the north - No. 91.

Furthermore, the proposed "granny annexe" at the bottom of the rear garden is un neighbourly, being situated immediately within the rear and two side boundaries. The design is very basic and detracts from the privacy and enjoyment of adjacent rear gardens. With the size of the rear extensions and the area occupied by the annexe there is a significant loss of amenity space for a property with the resultant number of occupants following these proposals