Comments on Application 17/01726 - Land west of Crown Lane, including part of Hines Meadow Car Park, Laroche and The Colonnade Demolition of The Colonnade and redevelopment of land to the north of Chapel Arches to provide mixed use scheme comprising 182 apartments, 605 sq mtrs commercial space and 1030 sq mtrs retail and restaurant use. Also basement parking, new footbridge and replacement car park bridge, pedestrian links and landscaping to create new public realm.
We remain concerned at the potential lack of water supply to these town centre waterways. It is essential that the correct level of water is maintained in these channels, together with an adequate flow that will prevent any risk of stagnation. A weir downstream will help maintain the water level, but the inadequate flow of water from the north is a problem that must be dealt with. The investment in the waterways themselves, and the significant resultant developer investment alongside those waterways will be at risk unless the water flow is improved. As the primary sponsor of the project, the RBWM should assume the key role in ensuring an adequate water flow from the north. It is understood that a facility will be provided for small boat hire in the vicinity of Chapel Arches. We are concerned at the height of the waterway's retaining walls in the area to the north of Chapel Arches. As depicted in the visual imagery, these will present a safety hazard for people in small boats. There are no steps, pontoons or even ladders to facilitate the rescue of someone in the water. Rivers or channels of this type should not have a vertical wall more than six feet in height along their banks. We believe that this is a Health and Safety risk in the design which should be addressed. |