Application 23/02268 - Private Car Parking South of Stafferton Way

Comments on Application 23/02268 - Private Car Parking South of Stafferton Way

Outline application for the erection of a six storey building to include 43 flats with associated parking.

This site is a narrow linear shape with little depth. Consequently, any development of the site will result in a building line very close to the roadway for a distance of around 100 metres. It sits alongside a section of the newly created waterways, which are intended to enhance the street scene, encourage wildlife and create a natural habitat. It is unrealistic for any ecological assessment to conclude that such a development will have no adverse impact on the area.

The proposed structure is 6 storeys in height and will create 43 x 1 and 2 bed flats which are grossly overprovided within Maidenhead's housing stock. Although the flats have balconies of varying size the constraints of the site do not facilitate the provision of any amenity space. Although centrally located the parking provision of 12 spaces and 3 Blue Badge spaces is inadequate for the number of dwellings in a busy location with no facility for on street parking. The vehicular access point is too close to the mini roundabout and larger delivery vehicles will not be accommodated by the loading bay and will have to park on the street - which is the Southern Link Road.

However, the main issue is the visual impact of the height bulk and mass of the proposed structure, especially the north elevation facing Stafferton Way. The situation is made worse by the fact that the undercroft element at ground floor level is almost entirely solid dark grey relieved only by the two glass fronted entrances. The residential floors of the north elevation have no architectural interest or relief with around 90 windows - although the top floor is set back slightly.

Because of the physical limitations and constraints of the location it is questionable whether it could even accommodate low rise maisonette style dwellings. From the planning history for the site it is unclear when and if permission was granted for use as a car park. In 2004 an application for a vehicle workshop and office was refused. We object to this excessive application which would result in overdevelopment of the site in terms of height, bulk and mass with inadequate parking provision and lack of amenity space.